The Benefits of Church Management Software
A church management software can solve a variety of problems. It is a time-saver. It is an organizational tool. It keeps track of people skills. It keeps track of the church finances. It is a communication tool. Mostly, it can add integrity to the activities of the church. Managing people’s needs and expectations can solidify all the activities done by a church.
The key components of a good church management program are membership management, skills management, communication, accounting, contributions, and reporting.
First, let’s look at the membership and skills management. How useful do the people in a church feel? Are they being called upon to serve when needs arise? One way to involve church members is to ask them what areas of service they feel comfortable doing. Having a record of skills and interest is a great way to get people involved as needs arise. A good church management software will have an easy-to-use membership skills module for tracking the interests of each member.
Next, it is important to be able to communicate with the members. An integrated church management software will provide a way to contact members through several mediums. Beyond that, having a direct link to email or other online communication resources benefits the church greatly. Having the ability to create phone groups or email groups based on skills or needs is a great feature.
Church accounting systems have great value. A dual-entry accounting system adds integrity to a church’s finances and reporting. The learning curve is a little steeper for a dual-entry accounting system, but the reward is being able to produce an auditable report that insures proper use of the church money. Recording contributions and providing individual reports for tax purposes is another key element in church management software.
Report generation is a large area, and it encompasses all of the other areas. Membership reporting can include attendance, scheduling, scheduling regular email communication, and having different levels of detail available for different audiences.
Reports for church accounting include budgeting reports, financial analysis reports, accounts payable and accounts receivable, and annual reports for the congregation. Contribution reports include tax reports to individuals, contribution trends, pledges and fulfillment, and envelop numbering.
PowerChurch Plus church management software is one of a few fully integrated church management software packages available. It can be run on an individual computer, an internal network, or on a server for churches to access via a client software. Some improvements to the software could include having a true cloud-based application, that can be accessed through a web browser instead of a client software. Rewriting the software in a web-based computer language, such as java could also improve its usefulness for many years to come.