Social Media Optimization Trends For 2017

Social Media Optimization Trends For 2017

It is expected that the evolution of Snap will lead to some new opportunities, which would be interesting in the least, in 2017. In the last few months Snap, known earlier and more popularly as Snapchat, has got better by leaps and bounds. Experts are predicting big things for this platform in the days ahead. Snap has already been successful in changing major trends as well as user expectations in the world of social media marketing. Thanks to Snap, the moment-focused view of communication is back again. This has meant more live and spontaneous content. It has helped developers create more apps that are focused towards the mobile platforms.

Snap has also brought forth vertical videos and made them a part of the mainstream. However, now it is looking to develop products that happen to fall outside the purview of their focus domain – that of exchanging messages. It is looking to bring about real-world glasses for its users so that they are able to capture visual information on a first-person basis. As far as social media optimization is concerned, Snap is going to be there right at the heart of things. It is also expected to provide some major league marketing opportunities as well.

Twitter fatigue will get worse

Experts feel that not all is well with Twitter and going forward in 2017 it is not expected to get any better either. In fact, over the last few years a lot of people have been saying that Twitter will soon die a natural death. However, there are also those that believe that in all probability Twitter will be there for another year at the very least. However, they are also saying that Twitter fatigue will increase significantly in 2017. Twitter is known for its short updates delivered at a breakneck pace but it also contributes to a whole lot of incoming and outgoing tweets.

When it started it was quite exciting for the simple reason that it was new. However, now users have gotten used to it and are asking for something that is a whole lot different. They want it to be bigger, have greater details, and also have more interesting content. They also wish for the pace to be slower. Instagram in fact has already started to slow down its pace of updates.

More sensational experiences

Yes, this is what users will want in 2017 and they want social media to fulfill that role, to be the provider as it were. No longer would it suffice users to state on social media that they are attending an event – they need to show others how it feels to be attending that event live. This can be accomplished by way of live videos and 360 degree images. Even real-time posting could solve the conundrum to an extent as well. The basic idea would be to make others – who are not there – feel a part of the whole show. They should feel that they are a genuine and organic part of the entire experience even as it continues to unravel.