Security Context Differences in ISS And ASP NET Development Environments
ASP NET is used all over the world to meet specific software and application requirement of the users. It is used to program custom web-based applications. Various E-commerce websites are developed with the help of ASP NET Development as their major building application.
For any ASP NET request, a user can log in to any ASP NET Development or production website. The moment he/she visits an ASP NET Development environment, a request is forwarded to the website by his browser. The request is then processed by the web server software. This web server software coordinates with the run-time application to generate and return the answer to the request.
For the development and production tasks of this application the user has two options to choose from.
The User can either go to ISS or ASP NET Development site, with which the application software is shipped initially.
ISS stands for Internet Information Services. It is used very often for the browsing purposes by users located throughout the world. It provides the internet-based functionality for all windows servers. ISS can further be used as web server software in the Development environment also, but only when it is properly installed and configured for that purpose.
ASP NET Development server is recommended to be used for the application development purposes, since it is already integrated with visual studio feature for further assistance. All the requests sent to ISS are converted into ASP NET format, for further processing. So we can say that it is better to work in ASP NET Development server for production as well as development tasks rather the switching to ISS.
Different environments have different configuration settings. Like development environment and production environment. While deploying an application the usage of different web servers adds newer variables to it, which require specific attention and consideration by the user. Like there are cases when a code that runs flawlessly in one environment, starts creating errors in the other.
When web server software gets a request, it associates that request to a particular security context, to know what the access rights of the requester are. If a user logs in as an administrator through its desktop, then the server will have the same access rights as the administrator itself. So by doing this, the requester will have access to every required file system and permissions to proceed further.
When requests are sent to a website, that request is initiated only after checking and considering the access rights of the user who has made the request. These requests which are handled by Internet Information services suit of services or ISS are associated with a particular machine account, instead of user account who has logged in to the website.
Machine accounts have limited permissions thus they are incapable of performing correctly. To let your web page execute flawlessly, your security context must have full access to specified file system-level permissions required for the retrieval, unless it will generate problems.
Due to the security context differences, different web servers perform similar tasks in different ways. Because of unmatchable processes, some problematic web pages get generated during processing. These web pages execute flawlessly in the Development environment but start generating authorization related errors when hosted in another environment.