Profitzon 2.0 Review

Profitzon 2.0 Review

Profitzon 2.0 is a course developed by Dan Brock that will show you how to become a successful affiliate. Many so-called “gurus” will teach you how to promote ClickBank or other info-products when starting out with promoting stuff online. But that’s not the only strategy. ClickBank is way too crowded and competitive to make a lot of money there. Daniel presents an even easier affiliate program that will not make you filthy rich but will help you earn a good amount of stable income and get your business off the ground: Amazon.

Just think about it for a moment. You don’t have to promote crappy e-books. The market for stuff that people can touch an carry around is huge. Profitzon will teach you how to set up your business for selling physical products in untapped niche markets. The course will show you how to build simple WordPress blogs that will continue to make you money each and every week.

You don’t need any experience whatsoever or a lot of capital to start with. You simply set your Profitzon money making machine up and let it do the work for you. Dan Brock explains everything in step-by-step over the shoulder videos.

Profitzon 2.0 covers:

  • Setting up WordPress review blogs for instant cash flow
  • How to make them ‘Google Proof’ – improving cash flow even more
  • How to promote your sites
  • How to sell physical products in foreign markets
  • Exclusive WordPress plugins to help with conversions.

As an additional bonus Dan will even help all customers personally with their Amazon affiliate endeavors.