Politicians a Buzz on Twitter

Politicians a Buzz on Twitter

If you happen to be reading this blog you might already know about Twitter.

There is a new buzz around, it is called Twitter. Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send and read each other’s updates, known as tweets. This service was made popular by normal everyday users but was plummeted to popularity by celebrities, even politicians. The service allows users to have followers who receive these updates instantaneously. These followers can also update their friends with these tweets, thus making twittering all the fun.

But why would politicians get in on twitter?

In an age where voters are not interested in politics, any way to help in the process cannot be that bad. Politicians in the United States of America on all sides are using Twitter to connect with their constituents. There is no way constituents can keep track of what representatives do while their in office. However, twitter opens the door for politicians to inform, entertain and connect with voters immediately. Clearly, users must be very careful of the information they share on twitter. There is no way it will be cool for politicians to tweet private information that the public isn’t privy to see. Politicians can also use this tool to break news. If you are a news junkie like me, I am not always tuned into CNN, MSNBC, NBC, FOX etc. If you happen to be in Jamaica, you might be listening Nationwide, RJR or Power 106.

Here are some tips for politicians who decide to use Twitter:

1. Keep it Simple
To help in this aspect tweets are limited to 140 characters so be brief and to the point but with content.

2. Dedicate some tweets for Entertainment
Constituents do not expect you in anyway to be locked in on Parliament/Senate/ or Ministerial duties 24/7. So inform your followers when you are relaxing or even at a social event. Politicians who can show both a hardworking image and an image that you can chill and have fun are always pluses for voters. Keep in mind, not too many tweets about fun though!

3. Never share private information.

4. Be engaging
Reply to questions that are asked. Refer correspondents to sources for more information. This will show that you care.

5. Grow your follower base
This is what assistants are for. Use personal assistants to grow and expand your popularity. In an era where connecting to the youth vote is a must, this is a great tool for any politician who is seeking re-election.