Pay Per Click Advertising – How Laptop Usage Trend Affect on Click Thru Rate
There’s no need to do an accurate research to find that nowadays laptop usage trends is tend to raise because of many aspects that is offered by laptop such as portability, mobility, and of course the price that is very competitive now compared with PC.
For ones who usually work with a PC, working with laptop is rather different. Specially in the keyboard layout, and in the mouse .. laptop has its own ‘mouse’, whether it’s called touchpad, trackpoint, or trackball.
Touchpad, trackpoint, or trackball usage is a kind of different from mouse, users who is newly uses a these thing will need one day – two days up to a week to get used with this peripheral. To use touchpad, users need to have a sensitive feeling on his/her finger(s), a light accidental press plus slide on the touchpad can lead to a drag a file, a browser, execute a program, or a click to a banner advertising.
If the new laptop users always connected to internet, imagine how often they will accidentally click a banner advertising, and how much is the money converted from that accidental clicks, that’s good from publisher site’s because they will gain an extra click from accident, but of course sad for advertisers perspective, they’ll lost extra money.
So, does your Click Thru Rate raise nowadays? Maybe that’s because a laptop usage trend.
My advise
Train your finger to get used with touchpad offline.
If you accidentally click a banner advertising, press backspace as soon as possible.
Don’t too often visiting your own site if you use laptop, you might do an accidental click to an advertising, and that’s hurt, you might be banned for clicking your own ads.