MLM Marketing System – Is Yours A Profit Cycle?

MLM Marketing System – Is Yours A Profit Cycle?

Most MLM companies have the basic foundation to allow the new business owner to build a profitable business. The company supplies the products, customer service, sales aids, financial strength, manufacturing processes, etc. However, most MLM businesses rely on the field leaders to develop their own MLM marketing system for building their business.

The best MLM marketing systems can offer solutions for producing two important results for the new business owner; the ability to generate cash flow, and produce a new business partner. Regardless of where the leads come from, if you want your business to be profitable from the start, you need short term cash flow. You want a system working for you where you profit from the actual system, and cover your expenses while building your long term residual income.

What every MLM marketing system must have:

1. Good systems focus on giving before asking. This doesn’t mean you bombard them with information, a basic overview will suffice. Don’t hide your company or product information, this only leads to frustration, because if it seems secretive, people will wonder what or why you have to hide. Here’s a personal story of being on the receiving end of an approach you don’t want to do. The caller opened by complimenting me on my personal business success, and asked if we could have a meeting. Naturally I responded by asking what it was she wanted to discuss, however, she declined to tell me because she would much rather discuss it face to face. As you can imagine, I kindly told her I couldn’t possibly allocate time to meet when I was still clueless as to the reason. In digging deeper, I finally got her to disclose she wanted to speak with me about her business. I replied, what is the opportunity. Again, she avoided the question and answered that she really preferred to meet with me. Finally, I had to end the insanity, and told her, if you can’t give me any information about your business, I can’t justify time in my calendar, I must decline. Be mindful and respectful of people’s time, and make sure your MLM marketing system doesn’t include sly ways to get people to come to a meeting, or under false pretenses. If you have to hide your business, maybe you should find another business.

2. Finding the right people. First of all, not everyone is going to be a fit for your company, and your company is not going to be a fit for everyone. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that if you can sell enough people on your concept, that you’ll be successful. By convincing people to partner with you, you lay the wrong foundation and will set yourself up to continually convincing people to stick with it. Be serious about understanding your candidates. Your goal is to staff your team with the right players. You are only looking for serious candidates who can get excited about what you have to offer. By focusing on understanding the goals of your candidates, and being realistic about their potential, it become easier to attract people to you. If you determine an initial fit exists, move on to the next step.

3. Provide details. The next step is further educating your potential partner, giving them more meat and potatoes if you will. Information can be in any form, however, digital information packs work the best, as they are more cost effective, and a person can view the information right away. Time can make or break any deal, and it’s important to keep building momentum.

4. Evaluation option. This is the cash flow step in your MLM marketing system. You want to give your candidates the option to experience your product first hand. The reality for most, it is very difficult sharing products you’ve never seen, because you can’t speak from experience. Unless you’re a wholesale buyers club, the risk free offers are always at SRP, giving you cash flow and paying for your system. Risk free options work the best, since not everyone will be as estatic as you are, and you never want to leave people with a bad impression of your company. You will have more candidates opt in, if they have a chance to evaluate, versus being forced to commit right away. At this time, you also have an opportunity to further engage them by educating them about how they will get paid, or invite them to a certain training that would be appropriate at this stage.

5. Transition to partner. The second goal of a MLM marketing system is to produce new team members; another income stream. If you have done your job as a leader, and built a relationship, then this step should be simple. It becomes a matter of asking the right questions. Now that you have experienced this yourself and understand the system, do you see how simple achieving XYZ (their goals) could be? With a yes response, you can then show them their starting options for moving forward with your business.

6. Train your new partner. This is actually your most critical step, because a skilled partner can generate tremendous residual income. Often times people focus more on recruiting, and once a partner says yes, they move on to the next person. Lack of training and support means you will continue to recruit forever, and never reach the point of time and financial freedom. A solid MLM marketing system emphasizes training and support.

Although MLM marketing systems can be expanded, these key ingredients are essential. Once your system is in place, you need leads for your sales funnel. Where you lack in skills you can make up in leverage. Leverage is when you have plenty of people moving through the front end of your system, allowing you to focus on those that present themselves as more serious. With the right system and tools, producing enough leads doesn’t have to be a challenge. If your company doesn’t provide training in this area, seek mentors and training outside of your organization.