5 Tips To Increase Your AdSense Income

5 Tips To Increase Your AdSense Income

Google AdSense is without a doubt the simplest way to make money online, without selling any product. AdSense has enable relatively small sites and blogs to earn income from their sites every day, when someone clicks on the AdSense ads displayed on the sites. All someone has to do is to setup blogs with good content, and the money will come in. It sounds rather simple. But, in practice, there are a number of things to take care of, such as optimizing your sites to generate more clicks. Many top bloggers earn more than $100 a day from AdSense, but the majority are earning pittance from their content sites. You should be able to increase your AdSense income, if you implement the following tips.

Keyword research is the most important task you should carry out before you get your domain name. Look for a keyphrase with a high search volume, but with a low search count in Google. You can use the Google keyword tool or other keyword tools for keyword research. Also ensure that the average cost-per-click is above one dollar for the selected keyphrase, as we want to get higher payout for each click.

Once you have your keyphrase, the next step is to get a dot com domain name matching the keyphrase. By following these steps, you will have a better chance of getting better rankling in search engines and benefit from free organic search results.

Use self-hosted WordPress blog to create your content blogs. If you want good search engine ranking, using WordPress will give your blog the added advantage as Google loves WordPress. A WordPress blog is one of the most effective ways to increase your website rankings on Google. The better the Google ranking, the more organic visitors you will get which will result in more clicks for your AdSense ads. Post unique, quality keyword targeted content on a regularly basis and you will see your AdSense income increase overtime, as more pages are indexed in Google.

Another important factor to double your AdSense income is the placement and appearance of the AdSense ads. The color scheme of the AdSense ads should be the same as the blog’s theme so that the ads will blend nicely with the content. This will increase the click-through rate as the AdSense links will look similar to the sites’ links. The AdSense ads should be placed above the fold of the page to maximize the effectiveness of the ads. The best size for the AdSense ads is the Large Rectangle (336×280), which have the tendency to result in higher click-through rates.